Thursday, September 30, 2010

seals slaughter

All along human history animal have been sacrificed for almost everything...
let's take the example of baby seal (or older ones):

  • they are killed so that humans can use their skin...

  • once again man shows how selfish he might be!
But, what if they did the same to us?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Foo Fighters - learn to fly

" I'm looking to the sky to save me
Looking for a sign of life
Looking for something to help me burn out bright
I'm looking for complication
Looking cause I'm tired of lying
Make my way back home when I learn to fly high "

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11º B

Unfortunatly (or not) the new school year is back, and so there we go again waking up before mid day and that boring stuf that we only do at summer's vecations...
and while we now have to seet back in our sits at this class room we only think about how good this summer was... Wishing for a few couple of weeks more!
Yes, it's true... This is going to be a tough year so we hope the best to our class mates ;$$

- hope is not lost, cause summer will be back again, until then we most continue to study and reclaim how boring school is...

- UPS! almost forgot: "we are only happy, couse we missed the english class" :DD

- by the way: WE REMAIN CUTE! *_*
- or has they say in spanish: una belleza :DD

Airplanes (Tyler Ward Acoustic Cover)


This was one of the best summers ever, our maybe the best at all...
It was not only one special reason , but a bunch oh them! :DD

- The greatest was (probably) the week we spent together at figueira da foz! :b

- True friendship (we thinck) made this week one of the best in our lifes, and we had soo much fun and soo much joy that we sure want to repeat it *_*