Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Time

Christmas, one of the most important days of the year...
It depends of your age and your religion if it is actually that important...
Now-a-days it isn't what it used to be, no more a family reunion and no more the happiest times!
As you grow up you lose the fantasy behind children's christmas, and Christians no longer give much importance to this day...
The genuine spirit has been lost and for children is just the day that they recive much presents as their parents can afford give them, for christians it is just the day for wich they have to cook enought to feed a wale and the most religiouse thing they do is go to the midnight mass.
Christmas without presents?
christmas without presents is like fish without water, for many kids...
In the days we live in people give to much importnce to that habit, and now for many kids thats what christmas all about.

A big incovinient about christmas time is the amont of light and stuff that citys use to give people an environment of love, friendship and joy...
But behind all that the electic energie waste, that costs to much money to city halls should be reduced!