Monday, May 30, 2011

United states cultural diversity

The United States of America thrives on diversity. A synthesis of the world’s plentiful and varied races, religions, and cultures, America is a home to all, such that no one group can call itself more “American” than another. And the fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage as they are to be an American.

American diversity collection takes a good look at what it means to be “American” and examines the rich heritages that make up this country.

Immigrants from all over the world have come to the United States to live. the population consists of individuals and groups who havedifferent ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds. That is why the United States is often called a nation of nations.

U.S.A - A nation for all

Thursday, May 5, 2011

USA - cultural diversity

The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and valuesThe United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values.

The United States Census counts most persons residing in the United States including citizens, non-citizen permanent residents, and non-citizen long-term visitors. Civilian and military federal employees serving abroad and their dependents are counted in their home state.

United states' population does include people from many differnt "races".

Hispanic and Latino Americans, re people born, raised or living in the United states who have origins in the Hispanic countries of LatinAmerican or in Spain, and in general all persons in the United States who self-identify as Hispanic or Latino.Hispanics and Latinos constitute 16.3% of the total United States population, or 50.5 million people, forming the second largest ethnic group, after non-Hispanic White Americans.

Non-Hispanic Whites or White, Not Hispanic or Latino are people in the United States, as defined by the Census Bureau, who are of the White race and are not of Hispanic or Latinoorigin/ethnicity.

At an estimated 199.3 million in 2009, Non-Hispanic Whites compose a solid majority of the United States population.

African Americans (also referred to as Black Americans or Afro-Americans, and formerly asAmerican Negroes) are citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of theblack populations of Africa.

African Americans make up the single largest racial minority in the United States and form the second largest racial group after whites in the United States.

African American fight

Martin Luther King Jr. Speach

(song version)

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Songs (by: ateborraste)




Publicity - A big influence on our consumer life.

Advertising has a big influence upon consumers, because the majority of those people pay atenttion to what comes up on TV or in printed ads.
Ads make people wish to possess a certain product or look which makes the investment of brands on advertisement pay of.
Soo, we may conclude that in most cases TV ads or printed ads are a good way to make people desire some stuff just to became as good looking as the models who do the ads.
But to overcome that look is required some harder work than just spending money on the product that the comercial sells.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reflection on ads (in general)

Generally speaking, the controversy in publicity insists on sexual content or on really sensitive problems (like AIDS...).
Publicity has to be appealing to people, specially because it has to convince the consumers to consume.
Printed ads, or commercials have the function to make people desire what they are trying to sell, but in some cases that need of convincing the public leads to an outrageous abuse of seduction.
This excessive use leads to the banishment of many ads, what can create controversy among consumers and companies who make the ads.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Becky- Hey sweat heart, I want to pay for this taini pink bikini.
Shop- Sure, would you like to pay with cash?
(She hands out the card)
Becky- No honey, credit card please....
Shop- Ok but this one is denied.
Becky- Impossible! Could you try again sugar...
Shop- Denied! Again. Sorry!
(Becky goes trough her purse and takes out another card)
Becky- Try this one...
Shop- Sorry, this was denied to...
Becky- I would like to speak with the manager pleae...
Shop- Sure, just a minute please.
Maneger- Whats UP!....
Becky- Your machine has some surt of problem sir.
Manager- I'll take care of this. (Cutie)
Becky- Thank you. (She says with relief)
Manager- Sorry miss but the problem seems to be in your bank account...
Becky- whaaaaaaat??? that can't be!! (she calls her father)
Father- Yes love?
Becky- I need money dad.
Father- Sorry, no can d baby.
Becky- Mom? does she have any whith her?
Father- Shes not home... but becky what...?
(She hangs up)
Manager- Maybe I could make an arrengement.
Shop- Don't you have cash with you?
Becky- Not enough for this beautifull, tainy, pink and amaising bikini...
Manager- it sure feets you well
shop assistent- yes, you loke like for these victoria's secret models
(he comes in, looking like the king of the world)
ritch old man- Hola chica guapa, lo te pago. Me have money!
becky- thank you my prince in a white horse
rich old man- bamo-nos!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Consumerism in our Lives

The consumerism, nowadays, is part of our lives.
Many people have a huge need to buy compulsively not only clothes but any sort of products.
We can say the consumerism has became to be an influence in our lives, and we may justify this phenomenon by the need of a great first impression, and the fault of a very judgemental society.
Of course that this may leed to the so-called excessive consumerism.
This stands a problem, 'cause the majority of people who shop this much are more likely to suffer from a (slightly) serious problem: being shopaholic.
But this isn't very frequent unless the lack of money funds that many people have after they feed their consumerism.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cool, very cool :DD

Like many teens look up for their idols, the products they use are going to be really popular.
Soccer players (the good ones) are a good way to sell products from brands like Nike, Adidas and many more...

We may consider Nike cool cause teens always follow after the products that Nike produces,
and for years and years brands like this continue to sell this much thanks to
soccer "heroes" who are cool.

Last generation of Phones and technological gadgets are something that young people desire.
It is some sort of fashion for teens to always buy the newest stuff.
So companies on their commercials have the need to hire someone that young people look after to present those new gadgets.